What are the characteristics of rfid electronic tag?

RFID technology is the most advanced non-contact sensing technology, rfid electronic tag has many advantages.

1. The internationally unified unique identifier (UID) and the internationally-used frequency.

2. The data of rfid electronic tag can be rewritten as required, and important information can be locked with good confidentiality.

3. Long service life (≥10 years or 100,000 times of reading and writing).

4. There is no mechanical wear, mechanical failure, and the use of rfid electronic tags is not restricted by the environment.

5. Flexible packaging, diversified packaging: a variety of different sizes, so that it can be packaged in paper, plastic products (PVC, PET), can be used in different occasions, can also be laminated to make cards.

6. Unique anti-collision performance and long reading and writing distance: Compared with bar codes, rfid electronic tags can recognize multiple targets and recognize in motion. The reading speed is fast, and it can recognize up to 50 at the same time per second.

7. Flexible internal storage space: The storage capacity and sector bytes of the rfid electronic tag can be determined according to the needs of the product, and the read-write device can read the memory configuration information, which is convenient for operating different tag products in a comprehensive application.


Comparative analysis of RFID and one- and two-dimensional bar codes

Currently, the widely used automatic identification technology is mainly barcode technology. Bar codes are divided into one-dimensional bar codes and two-dimensional bar codes. One-dimensional barcodes consist of a set of black and white barcode symbols with different thicknesses. The one-dimensional bar code implies number information, letter information, symbol information and symbol information in the horizontal direction. It expresses the detailed information of the commodity through the connection with the information system, and is the universal commodity code representation method in the world. A barcode that stores information in a two-dimensional space in the horizontal and vertical directions is called a two-dimensional barcode. However, with the continuous development of science and technology, the limitations of these two identification methods are becoming more and more obvious.

The shortcomings of one-dimensional and two-dimensional barcodes are mainly reflected in six aspects.

(1) Barcodes only encode numbers and letters, but cannot encode digital information, such as pictures, sounds, characters, signatures, and fingerprints.

(2) The fault tolerance is weak, and the recognition is greatly affected by the environment. When the barcode is stained, it is usually unreadable.

(3) The reliability of barcode recognition is low: the error rate of one-dimensional barcode decoding is generally 2 parts per million, but it is always 100% once it is worn.

(4) Poor confidentiality and anti-counterfeiting: Because the barcode system is simple, it does not have anti-counterfeiting function.

(5) Bar code information cannot be changed and reused, causing huge economic waste.

(6) The interactivity is poor and cannot be used for life cycle tracking.