RFID Development History

RFID Development History:
RFID directly inherits the concept of radar and develops a new technology of AIDC, which is vigorous and vigorous. In 1948, Harry Stockman published "Communication Using Reflective Power" which laid the theoretical foundation of RFID.
1) The history of the development of RFID technology. In the 20th century, the theory and application of radio technology is one of the most important achievements in the development of science and technology. The development of RFID technology can be divided into the following 10 years:
1941-1950. The improvement and application of radar gave birth to RFID technology, which laid the theoretical foundation of RFID technology in 1948.
1951-1960. In the early stage of exploring RFID technology, it was mainly in laboratory experiments.
1961-1970. The theory of RFID technology has been developed and some application attempts have begun.
1971-1980. RFID technology and product development are in a period of great development, and various RFID technology testing has been accelerated. Some of the earliest RFID applications have emerged.
1981-1990. RFID technology and products enter the commercial application stage, and various scale applications begin to appear.
1991-2000. The standardization of RFID technology has been paid more and more attention, and the products of RFID have been widely used. The products of RFID have gradually become a part of people's life.
2001-today. The issue of standardization has been paid more and more attention. There are more kinds of RFID products, such as active electronic tags.
Passive electronic tags and semi-passive electronic tags have been developed, the cost of electronic tags has been reduced, and the scale of application industry has expanded.
The theory of RFID technology has been enriched and improved. Single-chip electronic tags, multi-tag reading, wireless readable and writable, long-distance identification of passive electronic tags and RFID adapting to high-speed moving objects are becoming a reality.
Tag: RFID Credit Card
